Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Zaros is one of the oldest gods on RuneScape

    A magician's staff of Zaros, associated with Ancient Magicks, which are also associated closely with Zaros. You are given access to them after freeing Azzanadra, Zaros' champion, from imprisonment within a pyramid.

    Zaros is one of the oldest gods on RuneScape, arriving during the time of Guthix's Sleep. During the Second Age, Zaros was in possession of a vast empire, covering most of The Wilderness, Morytania, Misthalin, and Asgarnia. Among his many warriors, the most powerful were the Mahjarrat: Freneskae warriors who had originally followed Icthlarin. The Mahjarrat followed Zaros after realising that Icthlarin had little influence, and were incorporated into Zaros' army. After the defeat of Zaros by Zamorak (see Zamorak's entry to learn more), most of Zamorak's fellow Mahjarrat turned to Zamorak's side. However, some, including Azzanadra and Akthanakos, remained loyal to Zaros. Zaros cursed all of those instrumental in his defeat. This had little effect on Zamorak, who became a god through his victory and absorption of Zaros' power through the Staff of Armadyl. Buy Runescape Gold

    However, the curse did produce the ghosts that feature in the Ghostly Robes Miniquest. Zaros' defeat left his empire masterless, and the God Wars were sparked by Zamorak, Saradomin, and others' fight for his territory. Many of Zaros' followers await his possible return to assert his claim over RuneScape again one day. Recently, after Azzanadra the Mahjarrat was freed from captivity by an adventurer (the player), he undertook a mission to reestablish communication with Zaros, succeeding with the same adventurer's aid (see the quest The Temple at Senntisten for more information.) Zaros appears to be responsible for both what we term Ancient Magicks and Curses, both being alternate forms of magic and prayer, respectively, which are uniquely Zarosian.

   A symbol of Zaros dug up at the Digsite, an excavation of the ruins of a Zarosian city destroyed during the God Wars. sell  rs cheap powerleveling
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